Metal Roof Projects
Animal Hospital
Food Processing Manufacturer

Rusty Metal building prepped for repairs, taping, priming, etc.

Job Completed: Roof was fully primed, new metal installed. Endlaps, ridge-cap and rake trims sealed with Butyl tape. Roof then coated with 2 coats of Elastomeric Coating

Rusty Metal building prepped for repairs, taping, priming, etc.
Chemical Manufacturer

Metal roof severely rusted

Roof completely primed

Highly reflective Aluminum roof coating applied

Metal roof severely rusted

62,000 sq. foot manufacturing plant

Leaks throughout roof, ridge cap, skylights, roof curbs and penetrations.

62,000 sq. foot manufacturing plant
Automotive Parts Manufacturer

Standing seam metal roof

Rust thru rapidly getting worse, creating holes for water to enter.

Finished standing seam metal roof with two coats of white elastomeric coating

Standing seam metal roof
Retail / Office

Architectural metal roof with rust, paint flaking and loose fasteners

Paint flaking, revealing rusted panels

Second coat applied and project complete.

Architectural metal roof with rust, paint flaking and loose fasteners
Private Tennis & Skate Club

Metla roof rusty. Poorly maintained ridgecap and flashings need restoration

Full Rust-Inhibitive priming being applied

Roof restoration complete with second coat of elastomeric coating applied

Metla roof rusty. Poorly maintained ridgecap and flashings need restoration

Each endlap needs to be re-done due to current condition.

From the top, the endlaps look fine, but they are in serious condition...Previous contractor taped the endlaps wrong, creating entry for water to sit for years,deteriorating the metal.

Roof project complete

Each endlap needs to be re-done due to current condition.

Building was previously coated with Aluminum Roof Coating. Powerwashed to remove old flaking coating, dirt, and debris. Also cleaned and refurbished skylights.

Entire roof primed with Rust Inhibitive Metal Primer

2nd coat applied. Roof project complete

Building was previously coated with Aluminum Roof Coating. Powerwashed to remove old flaking coating, dirt, and debris. Also cleaned and refurbished skylights.